Do you remember Cassette50 game tapes from the 80’s?
Here’s my 32 silly mini games for C64 and VIC-20
- hurryrun
- bong
- aceinvaders
- two_sheds
- colour_bricks
- legend_of_netta
- danicas_panic
- goatron
- bakman
- plane_flight
- jumpman
- hot_rod
- snake
- crazy_balloons
- dungeon_maze
- chinnys_hill
- space_attack
- carrace
- mathpanic
- escape
- dishwasher
- mynextgame
- gridlessrunner
- message_writer
- robot_war, soccer
- icehockey
- supersoccer
- supericehockey
- taleofsarachristina
- computer_sport_100m
- computer_sport_1000m
- computer_sport_ski
Download a zip -file